How to Slow Carbon Cycle
Our patent technologies can form an adjustable hydrosphere, directly capturing carbon dioxide from the stacks of burning of fossil fuels and mitigating abundant amounts of carbon dioxide which can be recycled and reused throughout the biosphere economically.

What are the key technologies for mitigating and stabilizing the carbon cycle?
The method and apparatus for solving the solubility of carbon dioxide in water or seawater: According to acid-base neutralization, the patent method of adjusting pH levels can dissolve large amounts of carbon dioxide that can be converted into sodium hydrogen carbonate steadily.
In order to achieve high photosynthetic efficiency in high-density photoautotrophic algal suspensions, the automatic and continuous outside circulating apparatus can centrifugally collect growth algae and maintain high density of algal photobioreactor. The apparatus is like the movement of ocean currents which keeps the light requirement of algae adequate and recycles algae water into the alkaline liquid storage tank.

Adjusting pH Apparatus for Massive Dissolution of CO2
To adjust pH value of an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide automatically, the method can absorb plentiful amounts of carbon dioxide. Carbonic acid react with sodium hydroxide and form a large amounts of [HCO3-] of sodium hydrogen carbonate sustainably.
Turning Carbon Dioxide into Sugar
The process of photosynthesis is described as turning sunlight into carbohydrate. The process composes both light reaction and Calvin cycle reaction that occur in almost all algae. The [HCO3-] of sodium hydrogen carbonate is the most essential component on which algae feed in water or seawater. In carbon fixation, CO2 is fixed from an inorganic carbon to an organic molecule by living organism(biomass). Further, in the last stage of the Calvin cycle, RuBP is regenerated, making the system prepare from more CO2 to be fixed. The apparatus captures CO2 from the stacks, accelerating growth of algae which converts CO2 into carbohydrate.