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Nature never breaks her own laws.

— Leonardo da Vinci



Why Microalgae Matters

Autotrophs are fundamental to the food chains of all ecosystems on Earth. What this means is autotrophs are diverse organisms that make their own food. They convert energy from the environment in the form of sunlight. Microalgae is one type of algae and autotroph. Microalgae is an incredibly extensive and diverse group of aquatic organisms which can commonly be found in swamps, bogs, shallow water and marine system. The importance of some autotrophs which contain pyrenoids can grow at high rate and (are) capable of converting carbon dioxide in a diversity of habitats. Pyrenoids are sub-cellular micro-compartments found in chloroplasts of many algae. Pyrenoids are closely associated with the operation of a carbon-concentrating mechanism. Their purpose of (the) main function is to act as centers of carbon dioxide fixation, by originating and maintaining a CO2 rich environment around the photosynthetic enzyme (RuBisCO).

Human beings only use “the force of nature — microalgae” that can convert a large amount of carbon dioxide from atmosphere to biosphere without necessarily increasing energy consumption.



Pre-Culture Reservoir for Production Scale

  1. “Continuous Outside Circulating Apparatus for Collecting Algae” for completely intermixing of microalgae culture without shear stress

  2. Volume: 1 ton to 20 tons

  3. Outdoor facility with sunlight

  4. Photobioreactor is equipped with a temperature control unit and an automatic pH control for the carbon dioxide supply.

  5. Automatic control system with data logging

  6. For the next process stage in a scale-up cultivation process

Commercial Scale


The Air Cleanup: Saving the Planet While Saving Money on Carbon Tax

The Air Clean up realized a long time ago that the long history of algae-based discoveries on earth could be continued on converting a large amount of carbon dioxide from the apparatus of The Air Clean up. We have solved the solubility of carbon dioxide in water or seawater. The solution is a scalable, feasible and simple method which can be executed in the areas between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn. In tropics, the effects of light and temperature are good for the growth rate of microalgae. But there is one limitation in which cultivation of microalgae needs sustainable supply of carbon dioxide. Our technology for microalgae is the most important piece of the puzzle.

Our Center Develops and Cultivates Optimal Microalgae Strains

According to the study of Sustainable Desalination Handbook, microalgae are considered to be one of the most promising feedstock materials for developing a sustainable supply of commodities, including food and nonfood products. In order to convert a great deal of carbon dioxide and culture microalgae on the land of “Barren vegetation” (such as infertile soil, coastal salt-spray environmental conditions), our academic team will select, develop and cultivate optimal microalgae which can be produced on a large scale in a sustainable economic process. The outdoor culture system is a combination of “the internal closed system” which expands the required large scale by the use of coastal salt-spray land and “Continuous Outside Circulating Apparatus for Collecting Algae”. And it thus makes the required large scale productivity feasible. The culture system will have implication for scaling up by using “Force of Nature”. The cost-effective and intensive method is for different areas of energy sectors.

The Carbon Tax Is Going Up
Here’s How Much More You Could Pay in the Future

Microalgae are the fastest-growing of photosynthetic organisms. These organisms have a short doubling time that their cell doubling time can be as little as a few hours. They have different natural pathways to fix atmospheric carbon dioxide and to efficiently utilize the nutrients to convert it into biomass in “Biosphere”.

A carbon tax offers the most cost-incentive lever to reduce carbon emission at the scale. In order to meet the obligation of countries and sectors to the Pris Agreement, the carbon tax is set a rate of $ 5 per ton of emissions from 2019 to 2023.


In Canada, the carbon tax started at $20 per ton in 2019. The tax will increase $10 per ton each year until extending $ 50 per ton in 2020. In Singapore, the carbon tax is set a rate of $3.5 per ton in 2019. According to UK institute issues report on Taiwan’s carbon tax option, there is considerable rate for Taiwan to put into action from $10 per ton. The EPA of Taiwan is likely to levy the carbon tax at $3.5 per ton.


The sectors are able to save the carbon tax by means of cultivating microalgae.

Algae Base


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  • Technology Editor:Jack Lin

  • Science Editor:W.L. Wang

  • Site Editor:Beatrice Mei-Zhi Huang

  • Site last updated:September 1th, 2020

References and Pictures from website of NASA: GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE /  Pictures from website of Pixabay

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